Tuesday, 19 July 2011


THE EXPERIENCE: Do you want to develope a real relationship with God? Do you want your mind to be renewed by God's Word as you are being transformed into the full image of Christ? Do you want to discover and fulfill your purpose and calling in life? Do you want to be victorious, to prosper and be fulfilled in Life? Do you want to change lives and make great impact in your society and environment? Do you want the Amazing Life of Christ to be manifested and experienced in your own life? If your answer to all these questions is yes, then you’re welcome to experience God’s Amazing Love that produces the Amazing Life as you worship and fellowship with us!  We love you!!
OUR SERVICES: Sundays, 7:30am and Wednesdays, 5:45pm.
OUR FOUNDATION SCHOOL: By 7:30am every Sunday you have the opportunity to be taught some basic foundational truths of the Bible that will establish and strengthen you in your faith and walk with God.
OUR CONTACTS: Please feel free to reach us via any of the following:
Mobile: +2347089881247
Email: churchamazing@gmail.com
Church Hall/ Office: No. 282 Sapele/ Warri Road, Near the Check Point, Amukpe, Sapele.

Monday, 18 July 2011


You have a choice to live life the way everybody around you is living (as you met it), or to live an amazing life; a life that amazes the world. That’s how you were made. The king that you were born to be is crying deep within you wanting to conquer and acquire its throne. You were made in God’s image to reign, rule and have dominion and great impact and influence upon the earth.  Adam lost this life and power by disobeying God, but Jesus came and has restored it back to us, Rom.5:17. Now everyone who believes can become a son of God with the same Life and Power God has that can create things and impact planet earth in a way that the earth world never recover from.
Your amazing life is one choice away. It’s the reason why Jesus came; that you may have life and have it more abundantly, John 10:10; enough Life to arise and do the amazing. As Adam could name all the animals in the world and govern the Garden of Eden so excellently, we also are designed to do amazing things. Like Christ you are destined to be a saviour. To possess territories, govern domains, exercise amazing influence, confound the wise, shock the world and restore the kingdom back to God. What are you waiting for? Begin the journey today if you haven’t. Get Life and be as amazing as God intends you to be. Jesus is the source. You were made to be amazing.     

A Prophecy For Nigeria By Prophet Bill Hamon

(given June 2nd 2011, in Church of God Mission School of Ministry)

Thus saith the LORD, I have chosen My Nigerian Church to be an instrument in My Hand to fulfill My Will for this Nation. I am giving you an open door and an open Heaven for the next four years to establish My Kingdom in Nigeria.

The President of this Nation will establish a Council of influential leaders in the Nation to help him solve the problems of the Nation. Your Archbishop will be invited to be a member of that Council.

God will cause a new product to be discovered in the ground of Nigerian soil. It will increase the economy and wealth of Nigeria.

The LORD says, as you send out more ministers to the Nations, I will raise up even greater leaders in your own Nation.

I want My Church to be My Army of Kingdom Enforcers. I am depending on you to defeat My enemies, by tearing down the strongholds of the enemies and their Heavenly places.

The devil is planning an uprising from the North.
I want My Church to fight and destroy the evil forces in the invisible realm while the Nation’s soldiers are fighting in the natural realm.

My Church Army who fights for me will be the deciding factor that restores peace to the Nation and gives it a future of peace and prosperity.

If My Church will show up for the battle, I will be your Captain and lead you in the battle to obtain a decisive victory.

Begin to pray and decree for My Kingdom to come and My Will to be done in Nigeria as it is in Heaven, saith the LORD your God. 

Transcribed by,
Ifoghale Efeturi,
June 2011.