Monday, 11 August 2014

Bible Study - 16th July 2014

AIM: To come to an understanding of the advantage we have in the Holy Spirit and how we can tap into that advantage
TEXTS: Acts 2:3-13, 1Samuel 10:6,
Memory Verse: “Do not get drunk on wine which leads to debauchery. Instead, be filled with the spirit” - Eph 5:18

One will wonder why Paul likened the filling of the Spirit of God to being drunk with wine. This must be because both have intoxicating effects when one is filled with them. When a man is filled with wine, he loses consciousness of self and begins to do things that naturally or normally he would not have done. The drink begins to influence Him. The same effect is seen in a man filled with the Spirit. Being drunk with wine can ruin one’s life but the Spirit of God brings out the best in a person. In John 16:7 Jesus said it is to our advantage that He goes so that the Holy Spirit can come. There is a point to which a person must take an alcoholic drink before it will begin to intoxicate him or her. In the same way we can drink of the Spirit to the point where we come under His influence.

·         What are the empowering effects of the Spirit? (Dan 5:11-14, Acts 2:14)
§  Boldness (for preaching and other things) – Acts 4:31, Acts 2:14, compare with John 18:25-27.
§  Knowledge and Understanding – Acts 4:13, Jn 16:12-13, 1Jn 2:20;27
§  Excellence, Intelligence, and Wisdom – Acts 6:10, Dan 5:12, Prov 12:26
§  Specific Instruction and direction– Acts 8:29, 10:19, 16:7
§  The power and gifts of the Spirit – Acts 1:8, 1Cor.12:7-11, Acts 3:1-9,+
§  ........List others.
·         How can one come under the influence of the Spirit?
§  Consciousness and consistent fellowship with the Holy Spirit – Acts 2:4, Acts 4:31, Acts 13:2
§  Yielding to the leading of the Spirit – Gal 5:16; 25
§  Praying in tongues – 1Cor 14:2;4;14;15;18, Jude 1:20
§  .....List others.

God doesn’t want us to be ignorant about the Holy Spirit, 1Cor.12:1. He is a gift. Because of Christ you deserve Him. The same Spirit that raised Christ from the dead dwells in you, Rom.8:11. It was by the Spirit that God anointed Jesus for great works, Acts 10:38.
If the same Spirit that was in Christ is also in you then you can function like Christ in this world. He will strengthen you were you are weak and He will glorify Christ in your life, John 16:13-14. The greatest hindrance to the filing of the Spirit is your consciousness of yourself.
Keep fellowshipping with the Spirit and be more conscious of Christ in you and who you are in Christ.


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