Sunday 26 October 2014


TEXT:   Rom 12:2, Ephesians 4:23
Memory Verse:  “And be renewed in the spirit of your mind” - Ephesians 4:23           

In our previous study, we were able to establish certain facts, three (3) of which are given below;
  •        With the mind, we exercise the power of reasoning, conceiving ideas, and judgment, the mind is the center of the soul; the center of our intellect, reasoning and emotions and the place where decisions are made; our minds determine our lives.
  •        Our minds have been programmed with natural attitudes, including beliefs, thoughts, ideas, opinions, convictions that we have concerning us, others, objects, activities, and even God and these have been formed through the influence of parents, educational systems, society (books, television, movies, etc.), religious trainings, personal experience, etc.
  •          When we got born again, our minds did not get born again; only our spirit, hence the need for constant renewal of our minds, to conform to the mind of Christ.
In this study, we will be looking at the effects of an un-renewed mind, benefits of having a mind being renewed, and how to renew our minds.
1.      Effects of an un-renewed mind on (1 Cor. 13, 1 Jn 2:15-16, Gal 5:19-21; 26);
·         Mind-set about ourselves - false sense of identity, external orientation (looks, etc), feelings of guilt, attitudes of worthlessness, inferiority, superiority, pride, etc.
·     Mind-set about other people - people pleasing, self-conscious, vain imaginations/fantasies, fears, phobias, attitudes of anger, impatience, hate, bitterness, resentment, revenge, suspicion, jealousy, unforgiveness, blame, depression
·         Mind-set about things – materialism/love for things, addictions to substances, objects, etc.
·         Mind-set about ideas – obsessions for knowledge, desire to be correct, accurate, right, etc
           2.      Benefits of a renewed mind
·         Transformation comes as a result of renewal of our minds - Rom. 12:2
·         Prosperity and good success - Josh 1:8
·         Life and Perfect peace - Rom 8:6, Isa 26:3
·         Mention others
           3.      How to renew our minds
·         Meditate (hâgâh - pronounced haw-gaw' - to murmur (in pleasure or anger); by implication to ponder: - imagine, mourn, mutter, speak, study, talk, utter.) on God’s word – Josh 1:8,
-  You have the mind of Christ - I Cor. 2:16
-  Whatever is true, right, pure, etc - Phil. 4:8
-  On things above - Col. 3:2
·       Avoid evil communications/re-focus your mind (friends, TV, magazines, music, etc) - 1 Cor. 15:33, Col. 3:2
·         Live by the Spirit of God (Gal 5:16-22)

Our minds direct our attitude, and influence our actions. It follows, therefore, that if we are to act like Christ, we must think like Him. The mind however, does not act on its own, but operates on what it feeds on. Hence, if the people and circumstances that influence our mental processing are Godly, we will find it easier to fix our thoughts on Jesus, and act like Him.

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