Monday 10 November 2014


Gen 1:26, 28
The quality of life we live here on earth is a function of the knowledge we have, and this cannot be overemphasized. It is God's will/plan for us to dominate and rule over the earth, but until we know this and begin to act on this knowledge, we will not begin to dominate. The Grace of God is not just restricted to God's unmerited favour, but also God's mercy and His ability that is at work in us. The Grace of God is three-fold; Favour, Mercy, and Ability (Eph 2:4-5, Heb 4:16, Acts 20:32). So when we talk about Grace for Dominion, we are talking about God's divine ability given to us to dominate here on the earth.

In the beginning, we understand that Adam (man) named all the animals and had total dominance over creation; But after the fall of man, that dominion was lost and fear came in. Jesus Christ came however to restore us back to that position of dominion (Eph 1:20-21).

Dominion refers to power to rule and influence, authority, and is not restricted to any area of life. God has given us grace to dominate everything that has before now dominated us; to take our place and rule over every circumstance in our lives (Psa 8:1-6). This is our reality in Christ Jesus, and our attitude, mindset and conversations should be in line with this reality and to know that when God gives us grace it breaks barriers.

There is need for however to remain humble, knowing full well that God resists the proud but gives grace to the humble (Prov 3:34, James 4:6); we must also continue to grow in God's grace by growing in our knowledge of His word (2Pet 3:18, 2Pet 1:2).

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