Monday 17 November 2014


Rom 4:13, Heb 6:13-15
The way God blessed Abraham was by the promise; when He (God) wanted to bless him, He (God) gave him a promise. There is power in God's promises and when we believe His promises something happens to us. Abraham received God's promise and that was all he needed for his life to turn around completely. They say talk is Cheap, but not when God is talking; There is power in His promise. God has given us exceeding great and precious promises; promises that will always exceed our expectation, and through promises we can partake in His divine nature (2Pet 1:4). Because of God's promises Abraham experienced divine manifestation. He was able to give birth to a son even when it was no longer physically possible. When we receive God's promises, our situation changes. Abraham had dominion over the natural order of life because of God's promise, and God has also given us Exceeding promises so we can partake (share, experience) in His divine nature.
Moving on to the other part of 2Pet 1:4, we see that receiving God's promises also help us to escape corruption that comes through lust. Now most times when we hear the words corruption and lust our minds go to immorality and sexual lust respectively but that's only part of what is being referred to in this verse (2Pet 1:4).  Corruption here refers to negative fruit, effect or consequence - Psa. 16:10 (here, the psalmist is prophesying about Christ passing through hell and not experiencing the effects or consequences of hell) while lust refers to feeling angry because one's desire is not being met - Psa. 106:13-14 (when the Bible talks about lust here it was refering to how the Israelites were angry and dissatisfied with the things God was giving them in the wilderness) and lust produces corruption/opens one up for corruption.
God is saying to us that whatever we are going through in life will only affect us negatively (corruption) if we permit it to/if we give in to lust and that if we hold on to His promises, instead of experiencing the corruption in that situation, we will partake of the divine nature. Instead of getting angry, upset and complaining, we will be praising God and declaring His promises and partake of the divine nature.

The glorious liberty of the sons of God - Rom 8:21
Nobody is as free as the children of God on the earth. Because we are children of God, we have liberty/freedom from corruption and experience glory instead of corruption. We refuse to give in to anger and bitterness and we hold on to God's promises.

The perfect Law of Liberty - James 1:25
The perfect law of liberty refers to Scriptures/God's promises; and whosoever looks into it experiences the blessing instead of corruption. We shall know the truth and the truth shall set us free. Jesus is lifted just like Moses lifted up the bronze serpent, and whosoever looks will experience liberty/freedom from the corruption in that situation (John 3:14).

The Spirit of Promise - Eph 1:13
One of the assignments of the Holy Spirit is to help us know and experience the promise (He guides us into all truth). Wherever the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty/freedom from corruption (2Cor 3:17). Because of the Holy Spirit, we are spirits in every situations and cannot be held down. In Gal 3:13-14, we see that Christ has redeemed us from the curse of the law so that we can experience the promise of the Spirit through Faith; the blessing is the promise of the Spirit through faith.

In Heb 4:1-5, the Bible talks about us entering into God's rest. Christ was crucified before the foundation of the earth, and the day we got born again was not the day He died for us. It was the day we entered into His rest. In the same way, God has already fulfilled that desire of ours and all we have to do is enter into His rest and seize from our own struggle. The Spirit of God helps us to recognise the manifestation of God when it comes. God always sends His solution (His word) and by His Spirit we recognise and receive His word and enter into His rest.

God has given us great and precious promises and the Spirit of promise will help us recognise the promise, guiding us into all truth, and as we declare His promises we partake of the divine nature/we experience divine manifestation. Instead of God to lie, the situation will change; we must hold on to the promises and keep confessing until the situation turns around. There's a promises for every situation and if we can recognise it by the Spirit and hold on to it, we will experience divine manifestation.

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