Thursday 20 November 2014

How to walk in the Spirit - Part one

Aim: To understand what it means to walk in the Spirit and how we can walk in the Spirit
Text: Galatians 5:16–17; 25,

When we experienced the new birth, we passed from death to life (from condemnation of the law to justification unto life); which marked the beginning of our Christian walk/faith. Now that we have the life of Christ in us, through the indwelling of the Holy Spirit, our goal in life must be to manifest this life, so that all may see Christ in us (Matthew 5:14-16). This work of subduing the sinful/lustful desires of our flesh and manifesting the holy and righteous life of Christ that is in us is the work of the Holy Spirit, and this work is the process of sanctification (conforming our experience here on earth to our reality in Christ Jesus).
In Adam, all we were capable of was walking in the flesh, satisfying the desires of the sinful nature. But now, in Christ Jesus, we are capable of walking in the Spirit and not gratifying/fulfilling the desires of the flesh (Gal 5:16–17).
In our previous studies, we learnt about the Holy Spirit, His work of sanctification in our lives and how He empowers us and gives gifts for effectiveness in service when we are baptized in Him. In this study, we will be learning more about the sanctification work of the Spirit by looking at what it means to walk in the Spirit and how we can walk in the Spirit.

·         What does it mean to walk in the Spirit? (Gal 5:25)
Anyone who's born again lives in the Spirit, anyone who's not is in the flesh and those who live in  the flesh cannot please God (Rom 7:5, Rom 8:8-9). In Gal 5:25 however, the bible says to us that if we live in the Spirit, we should also walk in the Spirit; meaning that it is possible to live in the Spirit (having the Spirit of God dwell in us - Rom 8:9) and not walk in the Spirit. It becomes clear therefore that we can have the life and the Spirit of God in us, but will never manifest this life and the fruit of the Spirit until we begin to walk in the Spirit (Gal 5:18-23, Rom 8:12-14). So what does it mean to walk in the Spirit? To walk in the Spirit simply means to live according to the Spirit, minding the things of the Spirit (i.e. dwelling/remaining in the habitat/environment of the Spirit) and sowing to please the Spirit - Rom 8:5, Gal 6:7-8.
·         What are the advantages of walking the Spirit?
§  It helps us not to gratify the desires of the flesh - Gal 5:16
§  It helps us to manifest the fruit of the Spirit - Gal 5:22-25, John 15:4-8
§  There is no condemnation to those who walk in the Spirit - Rom 8:1
§  Walking in the Spirit produces life and peace - Rom 8:6
§  When we walk in the Spirit, we do not walk in ignorance - John 16:13
§  Walking in the Spirit produces freedom and an ever increasing life of glory - 2Cor 3:17,18
§  Mention Others

To be continued...

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