Monday 22 September 2014


AIM: To help we understand different ways by which we can serve and be committed and how we can develop our commitment to God
TEXT: Roman 12:1
Memory Verse:
“I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service.” Roman 12:1 – KJV

If we take a look at our lives we’ll discover that there’s this tendency for us to be more committed to other things than we are to God. Commitment simply means devotion and faithfulness, and often times we tend to devote/spend more time on other things (loved ones, TV, phones, computers, jobs) than we do with God.
Two things drive commitment; they are “Love” and “Duty”. When we are committed to something or someone, it is either as a result of our love for that person/thing, or our sense of duty towards it and in the case of our commitment to God, it is both. This means that though our commitment to God is borne out of our love for Him, it is also our duty.
In this study, we’ll be looking at different ways by which we can serve and be committed to God, how we can develop (increase) our commitment to Him and some of the benefits of commitment to God.
1.      Areas by which we can be committed (devoted, faithful) to God as well as develop our commitment to Him
·         Our personal fellowship (Roman 12:1, Luke 10:40-42) – to be committed to God is to spend time with Him (studying His word, praying, fellowshipping with Him) not just because we love Him but also because it is our duty. To build our committed to God, we must spend time with Him.
·         Giving (Rom 12:8, 2Cor 8:7; 9:12-13) – to be committed to God is to be committed to giving for His course. It is a proof of how much we love and are devoted to Him. Giving is also a way we can develop our commitment to Him.
·         Service in God’s vineyard (Rom 12:7-8, 1 Cor.12:28) – this includes joining a unit in your local church, having a sense of responsibility knowing that you are part of the body of Christ. Look for a need and meet it, knowing that there is work to be done. To be committed to God is to be committed to the work in His church be it music (1Chr.15:16-22, 6:31-35), Exhortation (Rom 12:8), Administration (Rom 12:8, 1Cor 12:28), Ministering Help (Act 9:36-39, Rom 12:7; 16:1-2), etc.
·         Witnessing (Mark 16:15, 2Cor. 5:18-20) – soul winning is our duty; we are called to witness. God is committed to soul winning and if we are committed to God then we must be committed to soul winning. This is another way we develop our commitment to Him.
·         Faith and obedience to God’s word (Heb.11:6, 1Sam.15:22) – it is not possible to be committed to God and not trust Him. Without faith we cannot please Him; our service to Him must be based on faith and obedience. To be committed to God is to be committed to His word by trusting Him and doing what He says. The spirit of faith is “believing” and “taking a step” (speaking). To develop our commitment to God, we must learn to trust Him and obey. 
·         Holiness (1Th 4:7, Rom 6:19; 12:1) – just like witnessing, holiness is also a call and our duty to God. We are to offer our bodies to Him, holy. To be committed to God is to be committed to holiness, and one way to develop our commitment to God is to be committed to being holy. Our bodies must become slaves to holiness.
·         Mention others – Punctuality, doing the work and doing it well, gaining knowledge, etc.
A few benefits of our being committed to God are seen in the following scriptures; Exo 23:25, 1Cor 15:58, Heb 6:10. God is not unrighteous; He will definitely reward your labour of love in His house.

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