Monday 22 September 2014

The Regenerated Mind

Excerpts from the message
The regenerated Mind – 21st September 2014

Isa 26:3
Our mind is the centre of our thoughts. Thoughts are very powerful, and they are more than just imaginations; they can either deliver to us a glorious life or keep us on the sideline of life (Prov 23:7). The problems we have in the world today are as a result of our mind/mentality (thought pattern); what we think in our mind is what our lives reflect. The boundary of our blessings is determined by the extent of our vision, thoughts, etc; Success and failure in life starts from our minds (Prov 4:23).
The regenerated mind is one that has been transformed, trained, and programmed to reflect Christ and the victory we have in Him through a constant and persistent focus, meditation, profession and practice of our faith in Christ.

Characteristics of the Regenerated Mind (Isa 26:3, Rom 12:2, Phil 2:5-8, 1Cor 2:16)
·         It is stayed and focussed on God
·         It sees with eyes of faith
·         It is constantly being renewed by the word of God
·         It does not accommodate fear
·         It trusts in God
·         It is always courageous
·         It thinks and talks positive
·         It births excellence and all round success
·         It is creative and produces solutions
·         It loves God and hates sin
·         It loves unconditionally
·         It is lead by the Spirit of God

If our lives must change, then our mindsets about our lives must change. We must take God’s word concerning our circumstances, meditate on it until it becomes a mindset and we begin to live it out. It is our duty to renew our minds and transform our lives by our continued meditation on God’s word (Phil 4:7-8, Rom 12:1); God’s word must form our thoughts (Josh 1:8).

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