Monday 22 September 2014

Holding Firmly to the Unfailing Promises of God

Excerpts from the message
Holding Firmly to the Unfailing Promises of God – 14th September 2014

There are indeed a lot of promises from God towards us. God has given us a lot of promises (assurances in His word of things He will do and things He has done) and often times we find ourselves waiting and sometimes even doubting if these promises will ever manifest.
When we talk about the promises of God we talk about the unfailing commitment He has given to us through revelation from His word (Deut 28:1-14). There is nothing we need in life that God has not provided for; everything that we need in life, He has made provision for (2Pe 1:3). The problem is we do not believe the word of God enough so that when we are confronted with challenges we do not run to Him. The first person we consult when we go through anything should be God; whether things are going on well with us or whether things don’t seem to be working and His word doesn’t seem to be finding expression in our lives.

Areas where we need to hold onto God’s Promises
·         Security and Protection (Gen 15:15, Jer 29:11, Psa 118:17) – A lot of believers are so much afraid so that any little thing startles/scares them, and this is because they do not know that the very life they live was given and is secured by God. The only way we will not be moved by the circumstances around us is when we hold on to God’s word. God has guaranteed us protection so that when we go through the land, the air, the sea, because we serve Him and because we have a firm hold on His word, our security and safety is assured. We need to align our mind with God’s word and remind ourselves that He is faithful to bring to pass what He has promised. God will do unusual things to ensure the security and protection of His people (Exo 13:21)
·         Encouragement (Psa 40:1, Psa 128:2) – God wants us to know that when we are discouraged over the happening of things around us, we should hold on to Him. We should lift up our eyes to Him (Psa 121:1) and wait patiently on Him. No one waits on God patiently and doesn’t get a reply; when we cry unto Him, He hears us and at the right time, He shows up.
·         Peace in the Midst of Trouble (Isaiah 26:3; 43:1-4) – When we go through trouble and turbulent times, God has assured us that provided our minds are stayed on Him, He will keep us in perfect peace. God wants us to get to a level where by because we know the God we serve, it becomes impossible for us to be influenced negatively when we are going through troubles. Our boasting and trust should be on Him and Him alone (Psa 20:7); the right attitude when we go through troubles and turbulent times is to trust that God will keep us in perfect peace. Our confidence should be like those of the three (3) Hebrew boys (Dan 3:16-18), so that we are ready to hold on to God until He shows up. He who has called us is faithful (1Th 5:24).
·         Stable Marriage (Gen 2:18) – God is interested in our marriages and has promised us a stable home, so that when we experience turbulent times and challenges in our marriages, we should always look up to Him; God understands and He wants us to have peace in our home. There is a blessing of favour that goes with marriage (Pro 18:22), and that is what He has assured us of.
·         Healing for sicknesses and diseases (Hos 6:1, Isa 53:5) – It is not God’s will that any be sick in His house, but if any is sick, He has made provision for complete and total healing and all we have to do is hold on to Him and trust Him for our healing.

God wants us to hold onto His promises; He has a lot in store for us and He wants us to cultivate the habit of always running to Him and trusting Him to be true to His word. Be it for security and protection, encouragement, peace, good health, a stable marriage and so much more. He has made provision in His word, and all we have to do is hold onto Him and trust Him to come through for us.

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