Thursday 11 September 2014

God Remembers

 2 Kings 20:1-7

Hezekiah was a man that knew God: A man who was so honoured by God that he was made aware when it was time for him to die. One of the challenges we have in the present day Christianity is that we have become so familiar with God so much that we do not take God into account in our affairs. Our commitment and service to God has been so much overlooked so that we now compromise God’s time for our personal business. We do not live with a daily consciousness of God in our lives hence unlike Hezekiah, we are not aware of things happening around us. We need to examine our commitment to God. 

God does not forget; He remembers. All we have to do is search ourselves and find out what we can challenge God with. When we do not give God our best, we cannot confidently and boldly ask from Him. Hezekiah knew his God; that He is a God who remembers and doesn’t forget. God will hear the cry and fulfil the desires of those that fear Him (Psalm 145:18-19). Things change when we cry out, and we cry out to God because of our commitment. Nothing we do for God is wasted; and we do not need to wait for earthly commendation. 

God answers us because He remembers the sacrifice of Jesus Christ. That things are not the way we want them to be does not mean that He has forgotten about us, all we have to do is call on Him (Jer 33:3), and recognise Him as the only solution.

Three Lessons from the life of King Hezekiah
1. He has a relationship with God
2. He was diligent before God
3. He prayed and cried 

Exo 23:25-26, Deut 7:12-15, Deut 28:1-14, Exo 15:26 – God has given us great promises, but these promises are for those who are committed and diligent in seeking and serving Him. we need to rededicate ourselves to God and recognise Him as our helper and our influence.

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