Monday 22 September 2014


AIM: To help us understand how to hold on to God and what to do while waiting on Him.
TEXT: Psa 27:14, Isa 40:31
Memory Verse: “Wait on the LORD: be of good courage, and he shall strengthen thine heart: wait, I say, on the LORD.” – Psa 27:14.

There are sometimes that we pray for something and it manifests immediately and there are some times that we pray for something and it may take some time before it manifests. The fact that it doesn’t manifest immediately doesn’t mean you don’t have faith, so don’t be thrown off balance.  To wait upon God is not to just sit there doing nothing. Faith is a profession. Faith without works is dead. To wait upon God is to stay in faith. There are things to do to stay in faith and there are things to do because you have faith.  We wait by keeping our eyes on God, Psa.123:2. We keep seeing (present continuous) what God is saying to us about our desire. Faith starts with God. We have to be convinced that what we desire is the Will of God for our lives. Desire changes into faith when you are convinced it is God’s Will and you receive God’s Word about that situation. Until you have received God’s Word or His promises about the situation you have not started waiting. We also have to do God’s Will to receive His Will. Do the things you know that the Word of God says about that thing that you desire.
1.      Reasons God allows us to wait
·         To train and prepare us (to get us ready) - Exodus 13: 17
·         To test us (our obedience and loyalty to Him) and strengthen our faith - Deut. 8:2, James 1:2-4
·         Mention others:
2.      What to do while waiting on God: GROW YOUR FAITH
·         Be Thankful (count your blessings) and be joyful - Psalms 103:1-5, Neh.8:10, Rom.4:20
·         Be Patient (have a good attitude while waiting). God’s Word is like seed that needs to be planted and allowed to grow - Heb.12:1.
·         Keep walking in love: Gal.5:6,
·         Keep your eyes and mind on God’s Promises: - 2Cor. 1:20, Isa.26:3.
·         Remain committed to God (serve Him) - Exo 23:25, Deut.28:1-2.
·         Do all to stand (what God Word says), then stand – Eph 6:10-14.
·         Mention others:

One major sign that you are waiting on God is that you will keep renewing (increasing in) strength, Pro 24:10, Isa 40:31. Keep reminding yourself that you are not alone. Don’t lose your confidence. There is great reward in waiting on God, James 5:11, Hebrews 10:35. Do not Fret (worry, get uptight, stress out) - Psalms 37:7-9, Prov. 19:2. Do not Faint and complain (give up, lose hope) - Num 14:1-4, Gal 6:9, Luke 18:1-8. Do not Forget – Psa. 103:1-5; 106:7-13

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